
Rem Petrov turns 70

Дата публикации: 07 ноября 2022
Публикатор: Научная библиотека Порталус
Источник: (c) "Science in Russia" Date:03-01-2000
Номер публикации: №1667782220

Dear Readers,

On 22 March 2000 our Editor-in-Chief, Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician Rem PETROV marks his 70th birthday.

Academician Petrov took up his present post at our bimonthly periodical (formerly, Science in the USSR) back in 1989. The magazine was already eight years old and espoused two main principles: propagate research and achievements of this country's scientists and engineers quite on a par with, or exceeding the international standards, and do this at a more or less popular level. And so we were happy indeed to have him as our head:

First, a prominent researcher recognized for his immense contribution to immunology, allergology and immuno-genetics. From a whole number of articles and monographs published by Academician Petrov and his co-authors we know him as one of the pioneers in the studies of immunology of acute radiation lesions; he and his co-authors have demonstrated for the first time in the world the mechanism of genetic control of the immune response to bacterial antigens, and stressed the importance of tri-cellular cooperation for the realization of an immune response. They have also discovered regulatory bone-marrow mediators which they called myelopeptides. Academician Petrov stood at the headsource of research into immunostimulators, including those on the basis of polymer molecules of the class of poly-electrolytes... In a word, having a research scientist of this caliber as our head has been of great benefit in helping us to delve into the cutting edge of modern research;

Second, our chief is a man who honors the best traditions of the celebrated Russian scientists like Kliment Timiryazev and Alexander Fersman, remembered not only for their contribution to science but also for propagating its achievements. Academician Petrov is the author of four popular science books which enjoy international recognition, including Sphinxes of the 20th Century and Myself or Not Myself which have been translated into 12 languages. With all that we felt quite confident that our magazine "fell" into the right hands.

The history of our cooperation with Academician Petrov is eleven years old, and the problems of the 1990s notwithstanding, these have been truly happy years of fruitful joint work for all of us. The 70th birthday of Academician Rem Petrov is a happy occasion for all members of our editorial staff and we wish him from the bottom of our hearts:

Many Happy Returns of the Day/And we are looking forward to many more years of our prolific and enjoyable work together!

With good wishes, staff of Science in Russia


Опубликовано на Порталусе 07 ноября 2022 года

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