Полная версия публикации №1675799216

PORTALUS.RU РАЗНОЕ © Magnetic self-motion → Версия для печати

Постоянный адрес публикации (для научного и интернет-цитирования)

По общепринятым международным научным стандартам и по ГОСТу РФ 2003 г. (ГОСТ 7.1-2003, "Библиографическая запись")

Вернер Андрей, © Magnetic self-motion [Электронный ресурс]: электрон. данные. - Москва: Научная цифровая библиотека PORTALUS.RU, 07 февраля 2023. - Режим доступа: https://portalus.ru/modules/different/rus_readme.php?subaction=showfull&id=1675799216&archive=&start_from=&ucat=& (свободный доступ). – Дата доступа: 19.04.2024.

По ГОСТу РФ 2008 г. (ГОСТ 7.0.5—2008, "Библиографическая ссылка")

Вернер Андрей, © Magnetic self-motion // Москва: Научная цифровая библиотека PORTALUS.RU. Дата обновления: 07 февраля 2023. URL: https://portalus.ru/modules/different/rus_readme.php?subaction=showfull&id=1675799216&archive=&start_from=&ucat=& (дата обращения: 19.04.2024).

публикация №1675799216, версия для печати

© Magnetic self-motion

Дата публикации: 07 февраля 2023
Автор: Вернер Андрей
Публикатор: Вернер Андрей Андреевич
Рубрика: РАЗНОЕ Физика
Номер публикации: №1675799216 / Жалобы? Ошибка? Выделите проблемный текст и нажмите CTRL+ENTER!

Directional movement.

   The property of the magnetic field of the permanent magnet the neutral zone is the presence of force directed motion (self-motion magnetic) with a strong attraction towards any main pole of the other magnet (magnetized ferromagnetic primary pole permanent magnet). When connecting opposite poles get motion the chain in two directions (Figure 1),


    The series connection in the circuit connection has limited the length corresponding to the mechanism of the magnetic self-propulsion. The chain length distributes without limitation magnetic properties as follows: at the beginning and at the end of the magnetic circuit self-movement mechanism, the center of the chain - attraction.        Magnetic self-movement interacts well with the effect (dipole) repulsion (get directions repulsion effect) (Figure 2).



The emergence of an electric current.

  When the magnetic field of the neutral zone moves parallel to the magnetization axis of the permanent magnet along the plane of the conducting circuit - an electric current arises. Insert a sharp iron core into the center of the copper coil. Perpendicularly to the iron core, touch the center of the plane with the neutral zone (hereinafter referred to as magnetic self-motion) of the magnetic cube with axial magnetization and move without an air gap, parallel to the magnetization axis of the permanent magnet, approximately 1/10 part along the plane with magnetic self-motion - an electric current arises.

  In the center of the copper coil we insert an iron core and a plane with a neutral zone parallel to the magnetization axis of the magnetic cube with axial magnetization, perpendicular to the iron core of the copper coil with a fixed air gap, make a linear movement, with the approach and removal of the magnetic cube in relation to the iron core of the copper coil. Consider the picture of the occurrence of a current, with iron permeability: We obtain an end approximation and removal of the main opposite poles (an increasing and decreasing magnetic field) - currents of the same direction, approximately 30% each for electromagnetic induction, with a cos angle of 10-45 degrees. When moving in the area of ​​magnetic self-propulsion - 100% current in the opposite direction. 

  The same actions without an iron core - the picture of the physical properties of the magnetic field is the same. (fig. 3).



Interaction with alternating current.

   At the center of the copper coil we insert an iron core, we pass through the coil an alternating electric current, we act on the core of the center of the chain with magnetic self-motion - there is no directional motion (the electromagnetic field does not interact with the magnetic self-motion).    To obtain the effect of directional motion, the iron core is magnetized by the main pole of the permanent magnet, we act on the core by a chain with a magnetic self-motion-a directional motion has arisen. Let's increase the air gap between the chain with the magnetic self-motion and the magnetized magnetic field of the iron core of the copper coil - until the interaction of the directed motion ceases. Let's pass through the coil an alternating electric current - a directional motion appeared between the magnetic self-motion, the iron core, the magnetized magnetic field of the permanent magnet, and the electromagnetic field of the current coil. (When the iron core is magnetized by a magnetic field, the electromagnetic field of the coil with current increases the interaction of the magnetic field with the magnetic self-propulsion, the increased traction force of the directed motion, while the direction of the current in the coil does not play an important role).


Interaction with direct current
  We insert an iron core into the center of the copper coil, pass a constant electric current through the coil, act on the core with the center of a circuit with magnetic self-movement - a directional movement arises. We connect the voltmeter to the copper coil and the magnetic circuit repeat the direction of movement that occurs when an electric current passes through the coil - a current of the same direction appears in the coil. Based on the properties of magnetic self-propulsion to perform work and generate an electric current, a fundamentally new electromagnetic motor of a new generation has been created (when electricity is consumed); and a fundamentally new electromagnetic generator of a new generation (with the consumption of mechanical energy)  (Fig. 4).
  Combining magnetic self-movement with the classics, we obtain a more complete and harmonious work of the magnetic field (fig.5).
Released into the public domain world 03.05.2001. 

Опубликовано 07 февраля 2023 года

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