

Дата публикации: 19 июля 2023
Автор(ы): D. KASATKIN
Публикатор: Научная библиотека Порталус
Источник: (c) Asia and Africa Today, No. 7.31 July 2008 Pages 65
Номер публикации: №1689778139


The All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature named after M. I. Rudomino (VGBIL) hosted a presentation of the book "The Revelation of Selma" by the famous Omani writer Mohammed Bin Seif Al-Rahbi (Moscow, Peoples ' Friendship University of Russia, 2007.Translated into Russian by V. A. Volosatov).

The presentation was attended by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Sultanate of Oman to Russia Abdal-lah al-Hosani and senior embassy officials, author of the book Mohammed al-Rahbi, Director General of the All-Russian State Library of Oriental Studies E. Yu.Genieva, orientalists, journalists.

The Omani writer in the story "The Revelation of Selma" emotionally and colorfully describes his childhood years spent in the patriarchal environment of the Omani hinterland. From his childhood impressions, a wide panorama of life in old Oman is formed with its losses and joys, hard daily work, the oppression of traditions and the discovery of the boundless limits of the modern world and rare solemn holidays.

The main character of the story - Selma from the village of Surur, the writer's grandmother-embodies the best human qualities - care for the upbringing of children, the desire to strengthen the family and thereby ensure the continuity of family traditions.

In his speech, Omani Ambassador Abdallah Al-Hosani stressed that the publication of the Omani writer's book in Russia will allow Russian friends to get to know more about the life of Oman and expand their understanding of the literature of Arab and Muslim countries. "We are presenting a new book by an Omani writer at this meeting," the Ambassador said, " to demonstrate our commitment to the ideas of cultural dialogue between peoples." The Ambassador recalled that recently Oman hosted the presentation of the collection "Tolerance", which was compiled by Omani and Russian cultural and political figures. This event aroused wide interest among scientists and media representatives and was rightly regarded as a call for peace and friendship between peoples.

In conclusion, the Ambassador said: "Our constant goal is to strengthen friendly relations between the Sultanate of Oman and Russia in the interests of ensuring lasting peace on Earth."

General Director of VGBIL E. Y. Geniyeva expressed satisfaction that the book of the Omani writer, translated into Russian, will add to the collection of world literature stored in our library, and will provide an opportunity for Russian readers and scientists to get acquainted with the literary life of Oman. She stressed that the content of the book "Selma's Revelation" is consonant with Russian reality. At the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation, 2008 was declared the "Year of the Family"in Russia. In light of this, the Omani writer's book on family and family relations takes on a special significance for Russian readers.

Speaking at the presentation, Russian scientists M. V. Nikolaeva, B. V. Chukov (both from the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences), and D. V. Osipov (VGBIL) spoke about the originality of the translation of the book "The Revelation of Selma" into Russian, and expressed gratitude to the translator V. A. Volosatov, who makes a lot of efforts to familiarize Russian readers with the works of Arab writers.

Опубликовано на Порталусе 19 июля 2023 года

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