
Practical programming in Mathematica: Fifth edition.

Дата публикации: 08 мая 2021
Автор(ы): V. Aladjev, M. Shishakov, V. Vaganov
Публикатор: Kristofer
Номер публикации: №1620486968

V. Aladjev, M. Shishakov, V. Vaganov, (c)

Сайт автора: http://sites.google.com/site/aladjev/Home

Прикреплённый файл - Practical programming in Mathematica: Fifth edition.

Загрузить Автор: Kristofer (загружен: 08 мая 2021)

"Золотая коллекция" Порталуса / PORTALUS.RU-1620486968
The present book contains over 1420 software etudes not only which are illustrating effective methods of programming in Mathematica system and many subtleties and undocumented opportunities of its software, but also being of undoubted interest as the means expanding and supplementing the system means. In a certain historical context etudes have appeared as a result of development of the number of rather large projects in the Mathematica system connected with the solution of mathematical problems, computer researches of the classical cellular automata, modeling, etc. In the course of programming of these projects the certain software fragments presenting mass character have been formed later on in the kind of the separate procedures and functions that have made the basis of the package attached to the present book. Many etudes presented here contain a rather useful and effective methods of programming in Mathematica system. The presented etudes are smallby the size of program code and can be in case of need rather easily analysed and, perhaps, are modified for specific conditions of application. It must be kept in mind that along with the software having both the applied, and the system character together with illustrating of rather useful methods of programming; the present book represents a rather convenient organization of the user software that supported by a large number of the means for its serving.- USA: Raleigh, NC, Lulu Press, 2017, 613 p., ISBN 978–1–387–3560.

Опубликовано на Порталусе 08 мая 2021 года

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