
Bibliography of Publications on Cellular Automata Theory (Homogeneous Structures) and Related Topics

Дата публикации: 08 июня 2021
Автор(ы): Aladjev V.Z.
Публикатор: Kristofer
Источник: (c) https://bbian.webs.com/publications.htm
Номер публикации: №1623163993

Aladjev V.Z., (c)

Сайт автора: http://sites.google.com/site/aladjev/Home

Прикреплённый файл - Bibliography of Publications on Cellular Automata Theory (Homogeneous Structures) and Related Topics

Загрузить Автор: Kristofer (загружен: 08 июня 2021)

"Золотая коллекция" Порталуса / PORTALUS.RU-1623163993
During researches (during 1972 – 2008) in the theory of cellular automata (homogeneous structures) extensive enough bibliography of original sources of a various level as directly in the theory, and in its numerous appendices in various fields had been collected by us. Naturally, the given bibliography is not exhaustive however it can present the certain interest for researchers in the given field, first of all, of beginners. Meanwhile, the reader has an opportunity to supplement the presented bibliography by the materials which are absent in it. We hope, that the given bibliography will allow to outline better both a circle of researchers in the given field, and breadth of scope of the problems considered by them. First of all, it concerns the Soviet and Russian researchers who have received a lot of priority results of fundamental character with which English–speaking researchers are familiar insufficiently well or are not familiar entirely. Subsequently some of them have been rediscovered by other researchers. It is especially topical and for the reason, that a series of the Soviet researchers directly stood at the beginnings of the making given direction of modern mathematical cybernetics. Basically, the represented bibliography is not annotated however headings of publications give the defined enough notion about the contents of the quoted material.

Опубликовано на Порталусе 08 июня 2021 года

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КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА (нажмите для поиска): cellular automata, homogeneous structures, mathematical biology, modelling, cybernetics, informatics, programming, mathematics, computer science, discrete mathematics

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